Our ministry exists for the purpose of bringing people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, while also edifying the body until we all become united in the faith.

Philosophy: “To preach and teach the gospel message of Jesus Christ that addresses the spiritual, physical, mental, and the socio-economic condition of humanity.”
Pastor Harris is a native of Andrews, SC and is the former Pastor of Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church. He is a family man, and believes that our first ministry begins in the home. He has been married for 26 years to his wife, the lovely Sharon and together they have two wonderful children; a daughter, Shar’Dane and a son, Shane.
Pastor Harris is a graduate of Andrews High School and Benedict College. He also graduated from Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) and Morehouse School of Religion, with a Master’s of Divinity Degree in Psychology of Religion and Pastoral Care. He also retired from US Army Reserves.
Pastor Harris believes that with God all things are possible through Christ Jesus.